y3c-stl 0.3.3
Friendly C++ STL wrapper with automatic stacktrace
example output:
y3c-stl terminated: undefined behavior detected (ub_out_of_range)at y3c::wrap<int [5]>::operator[](): attempted to access index 100, that is outside the bounds of size 5.Stack trace (most recent call first):#0 0x000055f30615460f in main at /home/runner/work/y3c-stl/y3c-stl/build/../examples/wrap_array-range.cc:5:143: int main() {4: y3c::wrap<int[5]> a;5: a[100] = 42;6: }wrap< E & > operator[](std::ptrdiff_t i)base_typeが E[N] の形の場合、要素への参照を返すDefinition wrap.h:110Definition array.h:8